So, the latest casita design is making me happy for a few reasons....
I thought such a tall building would have a negative impact on the immediate surroundings (most importantly casa Amanda), but after modeling it up, it looks pretty good at around 17'-18'. It does mean that the ceiling heights will be low and less dramatic, but I've always found a small bedroom to be easier to cool (and therefore sleep in).
The two story space also means it has a smaller footprint on the small garden, which helps a bit. We still have our eye on the next door vacant jungle, but I'm not holding out any hope for that, or having the design dependent on that happening. If it does, think 'pool', big lap pool.
There is an obvious Barragan influence in the entry space with the staircase and control of light. I haven't gotten around to designing the floors yet, or the garden. The most important thing is getting the space right so we can get the drawings in for permit.